AppEngine Unique Fields Constraints - class

So you have come to the AppEngine from a relational database world, and you would like to create fields that are unique but not necessarily the primary key of your entity.

AppEngine doesn't provide any out-of-the-box solutions for this but there are a couple of ways you can do this.

To do this in our Java applications, we have created a UniqueFields class that takes cares of adding unique field constraints to our entity attributes.

Basically, the UniqueFields class stores these values in a separate Unique Field Store that allows us to check for the availability of unique values and assign them to individual entities.

Advantages of this approach:

- you can have multiple unique field constraints on your entities
- no need to use ancestor queries
- no need for parent entities or entity groups
- stores the unique field value in the creating entity so that you can still filter, search and index based on the unique field values

We are making this UniqueFields Class available as open source. Please feel free to modify it to suit your needs.

To begin, copy the UniqueFields class to the src folder of your Java project and modify the package name to your project's package name.

The following two methods will be sufficient to achieve the unique constraint restrictions on your entities. Use these methods in your Data classes that modify and work with the Entity data.

Method: UniqueFields.isAvailable(entity_name, field_name, value)
Prototype: static boolean isAvailable(String entity_name, String field_name, String value);
Return Values: true if the value has not been taken by another entity
Call to the method UniqueFields.isAvailable("Employee", "email", "") will return true if the email has not been taken by another Employee and is available

Method: UniqueFields.update(entity_name, field_name, value, entity_id, entity_key))
Prototype: static boolean update(String entity_name, String field_name, String value, String ref_id, Key entity_key)
Return Values: true if the unique value is successfully set
Call to the method UniqueFields.update("Employee", "email", "", "[John Smith's employee id]", [Key of John Smith's Employee Entity]) will attempt to set the unique email address for John Smith and return true if successful.

Source code for

package com.xtrahelp; 	//change the package name to suit your needs
							//since this class will update data, you might want to put it in 
							//a trusted package within your project (usually your project's package)

import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;

import org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils;


//no access modifier (default)
//UniqueFields class is available only its in own package

class UniqueFields {	
	//set this to true if the unique values are not case-sensitive
	private final static boolean IGNORE_CASE = true;

	private final static String REF_FIELD = "ref_id";
	//name of the Entity Store that we will use store the unique field
	//e.g. if you are storing a unique employee_email in Employee entity,
	//then Entity Store name would be Employee_employee_email
	static String getUniqueFieldStoreName(String entity_name, String field_name){
		return entity_name + "_" + field_name;
	//returns the string value of unique field (field_name) from Entity (entity_name) 
	//where Entity's Unique Id is ref_id
	//getStringValue("Employee", "employee_email", employee_id);	
	//will return the unique email address of the Employee with employee_id
	static String getStringValue(String entity_name, String field_name, String ref_id) {
		Entity result = getUniqueFieldEntity(entity_name, field_name, ref_id);
		if (result != null ) {				
			return result.getKey().getName();
		} else {
			return null;
	//returns the key of the unique field (field_name) entity
	//where Parent Entity's Unique Id is ref_id
	//getKey("Employee", "employee_email", employee_id);	
	//will return the key of the unique field entity that
	//contains the unique email address of the Employee with employee_id
	private static Key getKey(String entity_name, String field_name, String ref_id) {
		Entity result = getUniqueFieldEntity(entity_name, field_name, ref_id);
		if (result != null ) {				
			return result.getKey();
		} else {
			return null;

	//returns the unique field entity
	private static Entity getUniqueFieldEntity(String entity_name, String field_name, String ref_id){
		DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
		Query q = new Query(getUniqueFieldStoreName(entity_name, field_name));
		q.addFilter(REF_FIELD, Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, ref_id);
		PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q);
		Entity result = pq.asSingleEntity();
		return result;
	//returns false if the value (unique value) for a unique field (field_name) is already assigned
	//return true if the value is available
	//isAvailable("Employee", "employee_email", ""); 
	//will return true if has not been assigned to another Employee
	static boolean isAvailable(String entity_name, String field_name, String value) {
		String value_to_check = getValueToCheck(value);		

		DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
		try {
			Key fieldKey = KeyFactory.createKey(getUniqueFieldStoreName(entity_name, field_name), value_to_check);
			Entity fieldEntity = datastore.get(fieldKey);
			return false;
		} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
			return true;
	//updates the value of the unique field
	//takes care of deleting the old values so that
	//the old values are available again
	//returns false, if the value could not be set, probably because it was not unique
	//returns true, if a unique value has been set
	static boolean update(String entity_name, String field_name, String value, String ref_id, Key entity_key) {
		//get the existing unique field entity 
		Entity old_unique_field_entity = getUniqueFieldEntity(entity_name, field_name, ref_id);
		//set the new unique value 
		boolean result = set(entity_name, field_name, value, ref_id, entity_key);
		//if the value of the unique field is successfully set
		if (result) {
			//if there was an old value, delete it 
			if (old_unique_field_entity != null) {
				DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
				datastore.delete( old_unique_field_entity.getKey() );
		//return the result of the set function
		return result;

	//returns false, if the value could not be set, probably because it was not unique
	//returns true, if a unique value has been set
	private static boolean set(String entity_name, String field_name, String value, String ref_id, Key entity_key) {
		boolean retval = false;
		String value_to_check = getValueToCheck(value);
		String value_to_store = getValueToStore(value);		 
		DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
		Key fieldKey = KeyFactory.createKey(getUniqueFieldStoreName(entity_name, field_name), value_to_check);
		//All further gets and puts will read and write to the same 
		//datastore snapshot that is retrieved at the time when
		//transaction begins
		Transaction txn = datastore.beginTransaction();
		try {
			//value for field_name is already taken
			Entity fieldEntity = datastore.get(fieldKey);
			retval =  false;
		} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
			//value not taken
			Entity fieldEntity = new Entity(getUniqueFieldStoreName(entity_name, field_name), value_to_check);
			fieldEntity.setProperty(REF_FIELD, ref_id);
			datastore.put(fieldEntity); //store the unique field in Unique Field Store
			retval = true;
		//also store the value of the field in the Entity itself
		//this will help in searching and indexing based on the value
		//It is safe to do so, since at this point we know that the value is unique
		if (retval) { 
			//fieldEntity was successfully created
			//now store the value in the Entity itself
			int retries = 5;
			while (retries > 0) {			
				Transaction txn1 = datastore.beginTransaction();
				try {
					Entity entity_obj = datastore.get(entity_key);
					entity_obj.setProperty(field_name, value_to_store);
				    retval = true;
				    break; //transaction successful, do not retry
				} catch (EntityNotFoundException en) {
					retval = false;
				} catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) {
			        if (retries == 0) {
			            //throw e;			        	
			        	break; //retries over, do not retry
			        retval = false;
			        // Allow retry to occur
			    } finally {
				    if (txn1.isActive()) {
				    	retval = false;
		return retval;
	//returns the Unique Id of the Entity to which the value for the field name belongs
	//getRefId("Employee", "employee_email", "")
	//will return the Employee Id of John Smith (generally speaking)
	static String getRefId(String entity_name, String field_name, String value){
		String value_to_check = getValueToCheck(value);
		DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
		try {
			Key fieldKey = KeyFactory.createKey(getUniqueFieldStoreName(entity_name, field_name), value_to_check);
			Entity fieldEntity = datastore.get(fieldKey);
			Object ref_id = fieldEntity.getProperty(REF_FIELD);
			if (ref_id != null) {				
				return (String) ref_id;
			} else {				
				return null;				
		} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
			return null;
	private static String getValueToCheck(String value){
		if (IGNORE_CASE) {
			return value.toLowerCase();
		} else {
			return value;
	private static String getValueToStore(String value){
		return value;

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